الجمعة، 18 أكتوبر 2013

شوفوا الفيضانات عملت اية فى امريكا

شوفوا الفيضانات عملت اية فى امريكا

 فيضانات كولورادو: بعد شهر والبلدات الجبلية ' مخيفة ' و مهجورة

Colorado floods: A month later, mountain towns 'spooky' and deserted
Flanked by a boom mic and an American flag, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper praised his state for rebounding after last month’s historic flood. “You can’t help but be inspired,”



 he told the Loveland Chamber of Commerce this week, celebrating a “spirit of recovery” that has opened most roads and emptied every temporary shelter.
But while the bigger cities of central Colorado — from Boulder to Loveland to Fort Collins — are bustling again,

 at least two once-gleaming villages in the foothills are virtual ghost towns, isolated by gaps in the asphalt and rivers that undid a century of civilization in a week of heavy rain. In Glen Haven, a 400-person jewel box on the road to Rocky Mountain National Park, an estimated 80 percent of the homes are empty and every business downtown is closed or totally gone — swept seven miles into the town of Drake,

 a thousand-person tourist draw th 

at’s also now obliterated and empty except for a handful of holdouts who refused to be evacuated. 

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